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Castle - Season 6, Episode 1 'Valkyrie' [Review + Recap]

The eagerly anticipated first episode of Season 6 of Castle is here! The episode, entitled 'Valkyrie', kicks off where the 'cliffhanger' of Season 5 ended - with Castle having just proposed to Beckett, ahead of her announcing that she had got the job in DC. So, many fans might have guessed it, but Beckett said 'yes' after initially saying no, then yes, then no, in an awkward mish-mash of emotions, and the pair exhibited typical Caskett behaviour

Of course, at this point everyone will be wondering how the two will be able to cope with the long-distance relationship as Beckett hurries off to DC to her new job, working with House's Lisa Edelstein who plays Kate's work partner, McCord. 

We've know flashed forward to a couple of months later and Castle and Beckett haven't seen each other in 6 weeks. Hmm, who smells an impromptu Castle meet-up coming? Well you'd be right. After Beckett fails a training exercise, and a new case comes up meaning she can't fly back to see Castle, she reluctantly goes back to her apartment to find none other than her fiance, Rick, lurking around. 

Castle and Beckett have a good ol' reunion in the only way they know how, and suddenly it's the morning and Beckett is looking over her new case files. Being the ever inquistive soul her is, Rick pushes Kate to tell him details about the case, but she refuses. However, low and behold, she drops the case file on the floor, and after exiting with her new partner (who shares an exceedingly awkward introduction with Castle), Castle recovers a transformer with a serial number on it, prompting his own investigation into the case. Castle calls on the help of his old work buddies Esposito and Ryan to help him figure out what's what, and they manage to track down a golf course.

Simultaneously, Kate and McCord have deduced that the robbers stole something from one of the buildings and escaped through the sewage systems and exited through the golf course, so, they go to check it out. However, the manage to run into Castle, who is also investigating, and McCord is not impressed; she warns Beckett, but doesn't tell her superiors about Kate's fiance's interference.

Unfortunately, Castle manages to get himself abducted at gunpoint by a suspect, who later dies while trying to interrogate Castle. It turns out (eventually) that the suspect was poisoned and set-up by other person unknown, who stole a chemical agent which they made airborne and put in the initial suspect's car ventilation. It's then announced that Castle himself has now been infected with the chemicals and has only a day to live. Well that was sudden and dramatic. Looks like it's up to the caped crusader Kate to find the people responsible and save Castle from his imminent death. 

Oh, and apparently Alexis, Castle's feiry and intellectual daughter, has a new boyfriend named Pi. No I'm not kidding. He's also a fruitarian. No I'm serious. He makes papaya 'steaks' and everything. So, will this relationship last and how will this affect Castle (presuming he lives)? The episode notably focused around the proposal from the last episode and will no doubt please fans that Beckett and Castle have (at least for the moment) agreed to wed. However, considering their history, this may be long-winded, or feature someone dying at their wedding or someone being shot and injured. The pacing was good through most of the episode, however the 'ending' of the first part (it's a two-parter) was a little sudden with Rick's deathly diagnosis but the episode overall will no doubt please viewers, whilst giving them some more drama to satisfy their appetite.

Reviewed by Mel.

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