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Garment Horror Stories

This Lolita Blog Carnival prompt may trigger some of those bottled up traumatic memories you tried to forget. In all seriousness though, we’ve all had some horror stories with our garments. Some people have had some absolute nightmare horror things happen to them. Luckily, I’m not one of those people – but I still have had some bad things happen.

The most recent is actually still ongoing. I ordered a dress from Haenuli that I absolutely fell in love with. It got to me, I filmed an unboxing, I’m trying it on… and the zip gets stuck. At first it kicked my self-esteem in the butt and I thought that I had gained a little weight (I was worried whether I was too optimistic when choosing the size). Even though zips get stuck at waist seams all the time, I still thought that maybe I should’ve gotten a size larger. But then I swallowed my pride, asked my Dad if he could zip me up… and he couldn’t move the zip either! So I took off the dress, tried to do the zip – bam!, it got stuck in the exact same place. I messaged Haenuli about it, who told me that they used a different supplier with this release and she told me to send it back for them to inspect and fix. As of today it’s still there with them, but that might be the worst garment horror story I’ve had. Thank goodness that Haenuli’s customer service is top notch – if that was AP, I probably would’ve been screwed. 

I'm now convinced that zips are hateful creatures who hate everyone.

The only other horror story was when I got Crystal Dream Carnival. When I put it on to try, a button holding one of the straps popped off. It was my ultimate dream dress at the time and I had just gotten it, so I was horrified and cried. But I quickly told myself that it’s nothing, I can fix that, besides, it’s not like I was planning on selling that dress anyway. Last time I took it out and tried to find out which strap was it and couldn’t, so I must’ve done a better job at stitching that button back on that I thought.

It sucks when something happens to your most coveted dream
dress the moment you get it.
Photo from Lolibrary.org.

Oh, and one more! I thought that was all, but just remembered. A few months back I sent one of my dresses to be altered (lower the waist and change the zip from invisible to normal). The first time I put it on after being altered it was fine. However, when I tried it on again after that, to see if my coord idea would work, the zip got stuck (curses!) and then I managed to actually break it (the moving part was attached only to one side). It was more annoying than a horror story, since I had just had that zipper inserted and now had to spend money on getting yet another one (because I don’t have the skill to do that myself). It’s fixed now, hopefully I won’t do it again, else it’ll get to be one of my most expensive dresses very quickly.

And now that’s it. Hopefully there will be no more after that, as it’s never fun and it’s stressful to deal with having to fix a garment. But like I said, at least I was fortunate to only ever experience fixable damages. Let’s have a minute of silence for those less fortunate than ours who have had their best burando ruined. And after that go sympathise with the other bloggers who participate in this week’s prompt, they deserve some kind words too!


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