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Theft of the Century: nine cars stolen from filming the new James Bond

Theft of the Century: nine cars stolen from filming the new James Bond

Shooting a new film "Spectrum" follows the adventures of James Bond under threat: straight from the set of James Bond have been stolen nine cars worth 900 thousand dollars.

According to the publication "Kommersant-FM", some of these cars have been specially modified to film. Hijackers worked so skillfully that the German police are still unable to find any trace. Journalists have already dubbed a daring kidnapping cars - "theft of the century".

Recall that recently at London Pinewood Studios have announced the name of the tape and read out the names of the actors who appear on the screen. Also, the audience presented a new "hero" - a luxurious silver car "Aston Martin", which will drive Bond.

new Scandals James Bond cars stolen

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