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Lets End The Day With a Dodger Game & Fireworks

Post Recaps: Day 271 Friday, June 17, 2011

Despite the slight disappointment of getting cut from SkyBall, things worked out perfectly at the end of the night. I signed out, collected my little $75 check and Kelly and I went on our way to a Dodger Base Ball game. Originally, the SkyBall tryouts was suppose to be in Long Beach but thankfully a couple days before they changed the location to a much closer spot. 

Today's Dodger game is compliments of Michael T (MT). Another Lifebook Classmate who is evolving into a lifetime friend. We've already completely two scenes together. Rescue Me (Day 235) and Friends. As a matter of fact those are my only scenes to date in that class. Some how he thinks I'm cool and he's been sharing what he calls the MT Experience. Let's just say he knows how to have fun and hopefully through MT I'll learn have to incorporate real fun in my life. I tend to only know how to have fun when there is a video camera present. Without the camera, I'm usually in the state of deep thought.

Moreover, this Dodger was a great experience. Not to mention we had great seats. It was the second time I ever attended a baseball game and I'll say exactly what I said after I attended my first Tampa Bay Rays game. "Baseball s much more exciting in person and than on television.

Kate, Motown Maurice, Kelly & Michael (MT)

Please don't ask what I'm doing here.
This is what MT wrote below this pic on his Facebook picture: "Here is Me with America's next Best Late Night Host...The exceptional Motown Maurice


Dodger Game in action
Dodger fans gather on the field to watch the fireworks.
Motown Maurice & Kate enjoying The Fireworks Night at The Dodger Game.
Final Thoughts 

This was a special game because it was fireworks night. The explosive colors, illuminating flames and sparks ended the night perfectly. In many ways I think the fireworks also represented how extraordinary this month of June has been and will be before it ends. Thanks MT for the experience and thank you in advance for the next experience!!!. Sorry I can't talk about that one yet. Then again I might never talk about it. :-)

As the quest continues...

The Future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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