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I'm not the biggest fan of Oasis. Their stuff is just not my taste and I don't seem to fit any of their clothes!!! I do try to feature a good variety of stuff from the high street here and I often pop on the Oasis website to see if there is anything I can use.
I was surprised by the prices. Now granted I had just been looking at Zara who are charging nothing for their clothing but I was shocked at how much Oasis are charging in this day and age. The above skirt is €100 and is nothing special.
I am a little bit unimpressed with that.
High street needs to learn that they cannot charge the same prices that they did a few years ago before the bottom fell out of the country. They need to get with the program and reduce their prices. We are now living in the days where Karl Lagerfeld is producing a cheaper range - Karl Lagerfeld for the love of god!!!!
Now I also have to mention how cheap the Oasis website looks as well. I am sorry but I used to love their clothes. I really wasnt impressed with them. I still think there must be a few nice pieces in there but it's overshadowed by the large amounts of cheap looking and expensively priced tat which passes as their clothing.
If I find something then I wont be afraid to blog about it. I don't decide to come down hard on a brand for a long period of time but I must admit that I will be honest here and say that I am a bit meh about Oasis right now. This could change in a few months but for now, I think it is going to take a change of buyer and web designer for that to happen....

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