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An eventful New Year

We have had incredible skies lately. A lovely walk on the beach this morning. We have both had a few small naps as last night we went to bed at about 9.30 and then woke to hear the fireworks at 12, they seemed to go on for ever but we couldnt be bothered getting up. At about 4 am I got up and suddenly found I had a very pleased Max (strictly outdoor dog) asleep by my bed, and George ( strictly indoor cat) no where to be found. At about 6 am I had sorted them out and they were where they should be, just as well George hadnt gone for good. We know that Max hates bangs but hoped he would be ok. So after a lovely walk this morning we have both done various bits of housework, vacuuming (John), ironing and washing (me) and a nice long nap seemed to be in order.

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