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Folklore Forecasts

Predictions about this winter's level of snowfall are the hot topic of discussion with most any person these days. The level of snow that has already fallen in the Eastern states has everyone quite alarmed. 

How timely it is that our local electric cooperative magazine currently has an article about Folklore Forecasts.  Common in this area, folklore has been used to predict the weather for many, many years.  For the current Folklore Forecast, information was compiled from wooly worms, tree bark and leaves, as well as the number of fogs in the month of August. 

The number of fogs in August was eleven......oh dear.  This information alone signifies eleven, "rabbit tracking snows", for our season.  The wooly worms are saying that the heaviest snows will be in February and early March, with our last snow falling in April. 

After reading that information I totally lost my interest in what the tree bark had to say, much less the leaves. 

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