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Sunday, 10-12-17

It felt so good after sorting out the chest freezer, so much more in control, that yesterday I went out and sorted the front opening one too.  It wasn't a mess, does need defrosting but not urgently and now I know what's in there too.  Great.
It didn't take so long and I didn't get so cold.

Here's today's plans and I have guests for Sunday dinner
B:  muesli, fruit and yogurt
S:  orange
D:  roast lamb (and a mixed bean casserole for one of my guests), roasties, sprouts, green beans; then rhubarb and strawberry crumble with custard
T:  beans on toast

From the freezer
The lamb
For the vegetarian casserole, pulses, passata, mixed peppers
Green beans (garden produce)
Rhubarb and strawberries (allotment and garden produce)
Bread for the toast
. . . so quite good from that perspective

However, into the freezer (ooops)
Two sliced 1lb loaves (home made)
I found two manky bananas and, to avoid throwing them away, I made banana loaf.  It's very easy, pretty fool proof and delicious and I will post the recipe
Two portions of roasted butternut squash and butterbean soup which I will use up during the coming week

The frugal factor
Breakfast and tea are OK but lunch is the opposite in terms of cost.  However, I am using what I have in and haven't had to buy anything extra so that works.
I avoided throwing away two bananas and now have banana bread for Christmas teas.   Nice!  I love it when you start with something that seems only fit for the bin and end up with sheer deliciousness.

I'm trying to use up the multitude of stuff in the freezer.
I want to make the most of my hard earned pension so am aiming for sensible frugality in my meal planning and making.
I have gall bladder problems, high cholesterol and high blood pressure so am taking myself in hand with low fat, high fruit and veg, generally healthy meals but with plenty of flavour.
Fingers crossed!

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