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The new garden method is not so new to some..............

but it is new to me.  I found out about this after a conversation with an elderly friend of mine, which led me to do some research.  My friend has just moved from her large home, which she could no longer handle alone, and into an apartment which has a small fenced backyard. She had commented about how she still would love to garden, perhaps along the fence border of her small yard, but did not want the task of digging up hard grass grown soil..................
the new method,............. maybe one you folks are already familiar with, is
"bag gardening"..........have any of you heard of this?

It is so easy and wonderful for the beginning gardener or for someone who wants to grow things, but does not want to have to dig up hard ground. You simply purchase a bag of garden soil, with fertilizer included in the mix,  and you have an instant raised, good quality bed, to grow whatever you might wish
. Here is how to get started: Please note, I have not started this as of yet............these are borrowed pictures from the Internet.

You can grow a plant directly in the bag your potting soil is sold in, eliminating the need to purchase a bucket or construct a growing box.

Select a bag of potting soil that includes fertilizer and is pre-mixed with an aerator like perlite. You can purchase either a small bag for growing an individual plant, or a large bag for growing a couple plants per bag or seeds if you desire. Purchase as many bags as needed to grow all your plants.

 Spread dampened newspapers along the area you wish to place the bags. Lay the soil bags in an area you have designated as your garden. Be sure to leave a pathway between the bags if you have several rows. Slice multiple slits into the side of each bag for drainage, then flip all the bags over so that the drainage holes face down.Cut square openings in the bag, leaving the sides and ends intact to ensure no soil leakage.
Sprinkle the seeds or insert the seedlings into each bag. Consult the plant or seed's packaging for the appropriate depth. Water the seeds or plants.

Maintain your grow bag garden the same way you would a normal garden. Water when necessary. Remove any weeds that may have been transmitted to your bags. Harvest the fruit or vegetables when fully grown. After harvesting, remove the plastic, shaking out the dirt onto the ground. You will have enriched soil to feed the ground over the winter .

Although I have my large garden areas tilled and waiting, I am still planning on using this method along some hard ground problem areas, where I want to see things to grow and bloom. I will be showing my progress when planting season comes to my area. I plan to plants flowers and vegetables using this method. Garden soil bags can be somewhat costly, if you plan to use a lot of them. I have a substantial compost pile ready for use..........I plan to use thick bags to put that soil in and have somewhat of a homemade bag....................I will find out how this works..............as well as you, as I post this garden journey.
How about you?...........have you heard of this bag method before?..........if so, have you worked with it?    I would love to hear/.

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