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The Personal Is Political

Less than a yr. until the presidential election, & w/ it the possibility of virtually anything happening, as the usual collection of right-wingers, neo-cons, bed-wetting paranoids, Christian Dominionists, militia members, shadow gov't./national security apparatchiks & the like see that Hitlery or even, Gawd forbid, that "halfrican" fellow, is up in the polls, & not even the Supreme Court will be able to help this time. That's when the shit will be hitting the fan, & whether it's a false flag "terrorist" attack or just Blackwater "helping w/ election security," any one w/ half a lick of sense & a steady hand should be thinking about self-defense. And we all know that the best defense is a good offense.
Part of the former arsenal

Unfortunately, the staff weapons here @ Just Another Blog (From L. A.)™ were confiscated last yr. by the jackbooted thugs of the LASD's West Hollywood contractors, after they threatened to tase us. And we don't know if we're on the list of "mental defectives" that California just turned over to the ATF.

[T]he FBI's "Mental Defective File" has ballooned from 175,000 names in June to nearly 400,000, primarily because of additions from California. The names are listed in a subset of a database that gun dealers are supposed to check before completing sales.


Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, a group favoring tighter firearms controls, said the most optimistic estimates suggest that even the FBI's expanded list is missing 4 of 5 Americans who have been ruled mentally dangerous to themselves or others.

"If people realized how weak our system is in terms of background checks for people who are dangerously mentally ill, they would be shocked," Helmke said. "It's clear that there could be another Virginia Tech killer buying a gun today, and there's nothing that can be done about it."
Well, good, we may have slipped through the cracks. Or not:

The vast majority of the individuals who were added to the FBI's list were identified by California, which provided more than 200,000 names in October, the Justice Department said.


The measure passed easily in the House, but it has stalled in the Senate because of a hold by Sen.
Tom Coburn (R-Okla.). He has said he opposes the legislation because he thinks its implementation would cost too much and because it lacks a mechanism to challenge inclusion on the list. He was joined by some veterans' groups, which argued that former soldiers might be denied gun-owning rights without due process.
Sure, we want as many veterans who've been totally fucked up by this most recent adventure in American idiocy to be well armed. You never know when the wife or one of the kids will turn into Johnny Jihad before your very eyes, & you'll want to be able to shoot him as soon as possible.

The Editor here may be depressed, but he damn well knows who's out to get him, & it's neither hallucination or delusion.

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