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Through the garden gate February 2017

Despite a visit from Storm Doris this week, it does feel as if things are moving towards Spring in our garden.

 The arabis is already in flower

The miniature daffodils have joined the other flowers of primroses, hellebores, violets and snowdrops,

 and these colourful primulas in the flower pots.

 I even managed to spend some time in the garden last week tidying up the borders and gave the grass it's first cut! The raised borders don't look very exciting at the moment but I can see some of my Sarah Raven tulips just starting to emerge.

 Last weekend it was my birthday. It was lovely being able to celebrate with our children, among my presents were these lovely tulips and some solar beach hut lights for the garden.

What are the highlights in your garden this month?

 If you want to join in with Through the garden gate each month please let me know in the comments below and I will add your site. Those participating this month are :-

 Thank you for the good wishes for my husband, he is recovering well although he is finding it difficult not to do too much too soon.

Is anyone watching the new series of Broadchurch tonight?
Sarah x

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