First off though I wanted to thank everyone for the concern in regards to my having to wade through an allergy induced hell. Happens every year, this year just seems to be worse than average. My boss at work feels as bad as i do, yet isn't taking anything. So in my case, the pharmaceutical industry has failed me.
Second, when I'd mentioned the Marines Malevolent idea to my friend Happyspawn (his handle when he posts), he just smirked & said 'good luck with that.' He knew I'd get fed up with painting black & yellow and wouldn't get too far with them. I think my friends sometimes know me better than i know myself, and in this case he is correct.
I already am looking for excuses not to break out the yellow paint (not that I can stop coughing/sneezing enough to really paint yet) and so my idea for a MM army is best described as an epic FAIL. Just another pipe dream.
So where to next?
I could go back to the Imperial wait, i sold that tank on ebay, so scratch that. So back to perusing the varied SM chapters for ideas.
Some years back I tried (and failed) to do an Aurora chapter SM army. Most were primed, a few painted, but they died when i couldn't paint their shoulder icon with anything even approaching consistency (and GW has since released Aurora shoulder pads & I now have teh ability to make my own decals too). Most of the army I want will be scouts, so while the metal shoulder pads won't work, its obvious that they've not yet earned the right to wear the chapter's heraldry (convenient eh?). In any case, they got little further than the Marines Malevolent. BUT they easily fit my M.O. when it comes to Marine chapters. For starters they're green. Happyspawn likes to comment that virtually everything I paint is green (whereas all he paints is gray). I believe i used snot green (appropriate for this time of year), so its brighter than my Dark Hands army. Also they have little in the way of fluff, and what they do have is workable with the BA codex.
Photo copyrighted by Gamesworkshop & acquired from, and used without permission of either party.
So sticking with my scout company idea, starting out with (4) troops choices, i.e.: one squad with each weapon type. Captain, Chaplain (odd to be an elite), Librarian, Techmarine and tanks @ BS3 for scout crews.
What I WON'T be using from the BA codex includes:
Special Characters
Sanguinary Guard
Sternguard/vanguard (I believe they have all of those options too)
Assault marines
Tactical Marines
Death Company
Death Company Dreadnoughts
Regular Dreadnoughts
Storm Ravens
Landraiders as transports (much less deep striking)
Now, I'm sure that just a few of you are wondering where I'm going with this, and why use the BA codex as Aurora Marines are Ultramarine successors. Well, there is one bit of fluff that fits PERFECTLY with the BA codex:
'The Aurora Chapter is known for its armored assaults, and as such possesses three times the typical number of Land Raiders and Predators.' (again lifted from without permission)
Scouts are known for, well, scouting, and out flanking, and the Aurora is known for having more tanks than a normal codex chapter. With the BA codex, I can field (6) predators, outflanking with three!
Now, this does fall into the spamming weapons gripe that I often have (somewhat mitigated by running the tanks at BS3), and I'm sure that the 'flavor of the month club' @ my local FLGS will have a field day when they see me perusing the new BA codex.
That just might work!
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