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Fan of Alannah Myles

There are a couple of female  (rock) singers I really liked the music from.
Most of the time I just bought 1 album, cause most of the time the 1 after was not worth buying. But not Alannah Myles.

She had a big hit with the blues song "Black Velvet" from her 1st album, but the second single "Love Is" was a failure, more an nice album track than a potential hit single. The 1st album was loaded with fresh pop rock songs and some rock ballads which were a little cliche.
So I bought her 2nd album blindly, cause the 1st single
"Song instead of a kiss" , was a very sad song with lots of violins and very different from the style of the 1st album.
The 2nd album was a little different than the 1st album, sadly the songs seems repeat themself in the endings.
Still I enjoyed it enough to buy a 3rd and a 4th album.
After that no new album came out and the last thing I found out , was the announcing of a "Best of" with some new songs. At that time I was less interested in buying a full prize album for a couple of new songs...

I think her first album was the best she's ever made, although she recovered recently a new version of her big hit "Black Velvet", with no suprises. She has still a great voice, but the songs are just not really catchy anymore.

Some links to websites:  Google+  and a strange Polish (?) website

A lot of female artists covered her "Black Velvet", so I choose different ones, a duet with Ali Milner and a group called The Johnson Report

BTW: I remembered that Ernst Schuller of Unicorn Corportation made Alannah Myles covers
in FM Basic.

I searched and found them on The Library Series #1, full of own compo's and great MSX-fan musics.
If you like you can download it from Gavitex or Mediafire. I liked some of the songs that much that I converted them into FAC Soundtracker or Moonblaster musics. Which ones ? In another post maybe...

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