April showers bring May flowers, and May flowers bring? Well weddings! I love the spring time, even though our spring in Texas consists of 40 degree mornings and 80 degree afternoons. With today's technology, it's almost effortless to shop for the happy couple. Just order from their registry. Couple's often block off hotels, so lodging is no sweat either. No, the hardest part of being a wedding guest always seems to be finding an outfit! There are so many aspects that come into play. Is it black tie formal? Indoors? Outdoors? What are the color schemes? You don't want to match the bridesmaids too closely. And of course--no white! This wedding guest style guide will make choosing your attire easy as pie--or, errr, wedding cake. 😉

Ladies, I know you probably have all of your favorite, go-to shops in mind now, but for the fellows it can be a bit more challenging! Check out this page to rent a suit for all your wedding season needs! This is an easy, quick, and affordable way to rent a suit for all of your wedding season needs! I hope you found this post useful! What would you like to see on the blog next?
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