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Doing All of the Things

I love this quote by Eleanor Roosevelt. Life is meant to be lived deeply and richly so much so that no one would believe you if you told them. It's mean to be lived, not just survived. 

I decided in October of 2014 to do the 101 things in 1001 days challenge. The premise is that you come up with a list of 101 things you want to do in 1001 days.  I started in October and so far have checked off 4 things. Not too shabby. But this year I've decided to really make an effort to knock more off my list. These are new experiences that force me out of my comfort zone and to really dive in to life. I'm excited and nervous but more excited than anything. So I've picked 21 things that I want to accomplish this year.

2: Get ears pierced
5. Pay it forward
14. Not shop for a month
17. Visit 5 new places 
21. Workout for a month straight
22. Attend a workshop
26. See a Broadway performance
29. Try my first cocktail 
35. Start a new blog series
37. Celebrate my 21st birthday
43. Get a passport 
55. Go to a professional sporting event 
61. Send friends a little pick me up
62. Set a budget and stick to it
69. Find God again and strengthen my relationship with him 
71. Try something completely new 
77. Spend a day with my brother doing things he likes
82. Try a Laudree macaron
87. Learn how to cook something new for a week
94. Be able to do a handstand
98. Make a homemade pizza

Some are things that pair up with my personal goals for this year , some actually happen this year and some are completely new and challenging to me! These things allow me to take some risks and be brave with my life and to also live it. I don't want to look back on my life regret the things I didn't do rather than the things I did. I can't wait to start this journey and really accomplish all the things I said I was going to do! It'll be a whole lot of fun and definitely one for the books! 

Have you made a 101 in 1001 list? If so share it with me via Twitter, linking it in the comments, etc., so I can see what you're doing! :) 

What are some things you've decided you're going to do this year? Travel more? Try something new? Leave me a comment letting me know! 

P.S: The song 'I Lived' by OneRepublic is pretty much my anthem for this year. Give it a listen!

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"be brave, take risks"

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