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Where To Go When You Are Feeling Low

As I mentioned yesterday, I have been feeling a little bit depressed lately.
And as so many of you have very wisely mentioned, it is understandable
after all the excitement and business of a cross country move to feel 
a let down when things settle down.

That being said ~ I am not one to feel sorry for myself for long and
I want to pull myself out of my funk asap.  

My prescription?  Go visit happy places.  The first happy place on 
my list is:

Susan has the self professed happy gene and it is impossible to
continue feeling blue when I visit her!  Her happiness and joy for
life's simple pleasures makes me feel warm and cozy.  She 
cancels out any feelings of sadness.  Thank you Susan!

And the next stop on my list is:


Aunt Ruthie's Sugar Pie Farmhouse.  It is impossible not to feel
cheerful after a visit to her home just brimming with goodness.
When my Daddy was still alive and suffering from the ravages of
Alzheimer's, Aunt Ruthie kept me going.

Happy images both graphic and real, are unbeatable for chasing away
the blues.


Thank you Ruthie!

Something else helps me feel better too.  Artistic therapy I call it and it means
a visit to this creative lady ...

Helen Philipps

Her oh so charming crafts amaze and delight me.  Just look at that darling
bird and the happy colors.  How can one possibly be sad now?

Crochet and quilts that charm and fill my heart with joy.  What a talent she
has!  Thank you Helen for many happy hours spent admiring your work.

And nourishment for the body and soul come from this
sweet gal ...

Dear Yvonne has fed my tummy and my soul.  While I was so
busy and weary from selling both my Mom's house and my own
back in Idaho and preparing the move of two households at once,
Yvonne kept praying for me.  She prayed for me to have the strength
and the courage to get the job done.  Thank you so much Yvonne.
I know that all your prayers for us were indeed answered because 
things fell into place with such ease.  

And ...

I am always pouring over her yummy recipes and she is the one
I turn to when I run out of ideas for what to serve for dinner.
Thank you Yvonne!

And then there is the land of doll houses ...

and two of my favorite miniature artists ...

Just look at this precious hutch filled with apples and pie.  
Rush over to visit her and be charmed by mini goodness.

and of course ...

the creator of Cynthia's Cottage Design.  These two enormously talented 
miniature artists convince me that I needed to get a dollhouse.  Trust me, it's 
hard to stay sad when you walk into the world of minis.   Kim and Cynthia have
collaborated with Maritza Moran to create a wonderful new mini mag called

Go check it out and sign up too if you like it.  If you have not met Maritza
yet, prepare to be wowed by going here.

Don't forget the healing powers of a cozy mystery like

any of  the Aunt Dimity Series.  A cozy mystery, a cup of 
tea and a comfy quilt have magical healing powers too.

So if you ever have a sad day like I did yesterday, give some
of these suggestions a try.

Wishing Y'all Sunshine and Happiness,
Susan and Bentley

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