Still Mad tho???
Ughhhhh I can’t believe they’re talkin about this in yet another episode. Yandy’s hormones are definitely on 100 because get over it already ma’am. Then she brings in Kimbella as if she's gonna be the voice of reason for anyone. We all know this lady’s track record. UghSn: Yandy’s outfit is the absolute worst…yet again!!!!!
Who is dressing this lady? Please hire or fire somebody already damn! She's steady worried about Remi when she needs tro focus on her wardrobe!
Then just when I thought it couldn't get any worse Yandy meets Mendeecees for dinner lookin like prince LMAOOOOOOOO
Anyway I’m glad they moved on tho because that whole situation was drawn out way longer than it should have been.
Moving on….
Yandy is a hater. What did she “fire” Remy for? That’s whole scene was so dumb!
Crazy as f*ck!
Damn so here I was thinking Jhonni was crazy as hell but so is Diamond! Now she’s in hot pursuit of Cisco’s friend? Like really? Where they do that at? You NEVER EVER smash the homies!!! I mean is there really a shortage of men in NYC? And what happened to ole boy she was hugged up on 2 episodes ago. Mannn her track record is lookin like Rich Dollaz out in these NYC streetz. Slow the fck down lady.[Insert Rich]
Diamond was sounding straight up stupid at that table. Giving the man ultimatums! Like in real life ma’am? Her thirst levels clearly have her delusional! I’m completely befuddled at this point. Then she said "don’t cheat yaself…treat yaself". LMAO Rich couldn’t take it any longer and directed her as he’s directed all his hoes to the bathroom. That’s the only place the music is coming from because it isn’t coming from no damn studio!LMAOOoOo then on to the party….
Diamond is a psycho!!!! All those faces she was makin as Rich hugged other people. HILARIOUSThen she went on to tell everyone they were DATING!!! Too freakin funny! She was makin herself look like a fool. Nobody knows Diamond because Diamond is a nobody!!!!
[Insert Jhonni]
Yoooo I promise you they do this on purpose. Throw Jhonni in there because they know she can’t handle herself. So much for etiquette lmaooooAnd Diamond plays herself yet again!!! #weavesnatchedhunty
How to be a Ladyyyyyyy
So Tara wants to give lessons on etiquette. Hmmm #sideeye If anyone needs some lessons it would be Jhonni. Sn: What is she feeding her ass because I need to feed it to mine too? LMAO no but really if y’all know let me know LMAOBack from across the pond….
So Peter wants to talk to the kids? Who the hells idea was that? The only person Peter needs to talk to is from a couch with his feet kicked up, seeking guidance.I did however agree when he told Mendeecees that he’s putting unnecessary stress on Yandy and that he should go ahead and apologize again!
So Tara and Amina are BFFs lol Awwww How cute?
It’s good that Amina is choosing to move on. That’s the best move she’s made this season!
How dare Peter tell Amina to leave! Ummm where the fck they do that at. I hate Peter and his selfish asssssssssssssssss. He only cares about what makes him tick. Doesn’t matter who he hurts in the process.
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