I went to Phalanx in St Helens today.
It's a show I have been to many times over the years, but not for 3 years or so now. The first thing that hit me was the yellow lighting that took some getting used to as I wandered around the various stalls. I met some friends from one of my local clubs who were playing a Seven Years War large scale skirmish across I lovely fleecy blanket. There was a chariot racing game which looked good fun. Other than that I can't actually recall what games were on show.
Traders were the typical fair of original content producers such as Baccus and the ever more present re-sellers, pushing Warlord/GW/Mortal Gods/Flames of War/other ubiquitous products. Although now I think about it, I saw a crush at the ABC Brushes stand and forgot to go back to them. Damn.
I bumped into Janice Sother and Bob Aspland (he was kind of a big deal on the Warhammer scene15-20 years ago!). Had a lovely chat about life, the universe and everything in between. I also spoke with Matt, Nial and Reece on the Pit stand. The BEST of the resellers to my mind offering a whopping 20% discount on any product over £10. They also sell Mantic Games products which I am in love with and get my fantasy/sci fi kick from.
Realised fairly late on that the Pit were selling the most hyped pots of paint in the history of pots of paint. However they only had brown left. So, leaving at around 2pm, I popped into Crewe G.W. on the way home and picked up 4 pots plus the magic spray paint to go with it. Testing begins when my daughter is in bed and my wife has gone to work.
So what has any of this to do with Gods Own Scale you might ask. Nothing, up to this point, other than to say I am still around. I am still in the hobby. But I haven't managed to complete a single project in GOS since the last meaningful blog post a few years ago. There has been several occasions where I forgot about the blog altogether and when it did pop into my mind I considered deleting it.
I'm glad I didn't though. First of all there is the early stages of my research into my Blenheim Blitz project on here and I think I might just have another go at it! Secondly, although there wasn't a lot of content here, I'm actually quite fond of what there is.
Although I remain a passionate amateur historian, my interest in historical gaming dived into a rut that I just couldn't escape from. I had cornered myself by playing one companies rules using that companies figures despite not actually enjoying the direction they were taking with recent releases. Not a criticism of the company, but the rules and games that they were producing didn't tickle my fancy so to speak. And yet I continued supporting them out of a brand loyalty I suppose.
With the way the country is going with political, social and economic division and uncertainty over the future, real world gaming just held no appeal for some time. Hence my escape into fantastical worlds. Coupled with some significant trauma and consequent psychological issues, Mantic Games allowed me release and freedom to get lost in plain old fun games set in non-sensical settings where Goblins and ray guns rule the day. And long may that continue.
However, back to the purpose of this lengthy quick post. I have had an abiding interest in the Great War for close on 30 years now. It started when I first joined my local wargames club in 1989, playing large ACW battles using Dixon Miniatures and computer based rules that ran on a Spectrum 128K (!). Around that table were some real personalities, some of whom are friends to this day.
Two of them in particular, fostered the interest in the Great War. George Hughes, who was an ex Guardsman and at the time was Governor of Nottingham Prison. He was a bon viveur, raconteur extraordinaire, and incorrigible cheat on the wargames table :-). The other was Geoff White who at the time was a Chief Inspector in Staffordshire Police (he retired as Detective Chief Superintendent and my boss!). Both were incredibly knowledgeable about the war and took annual trips over to Belgium and France with a mini bus full of fellow enthusiasts. In fact George had been going across to stay in Ypres since the early 1970's.
It was a moment of great pride and privilege when I was invited on the trip along with other young club members, Tom and John Barlow. Over the following few years, Tom and I would squeeze into the back of the old minibus, driven by Micky Ferns (retired Fire Officer) along with other members of the party which included at least 3 retired Superintendents, a Doctor and a solicitor. As a young in service PC at the time, I felt in hallowed company! John would make his own way due to work comittments.
We would always stay at a B&B on a farm in De Klijte just outside Ypres. Micky would then drive us into Ypres for the 8pm Last Post ceremony every night before we moved onto the evenings liquid festivities. During the day we would tour the area, travelling as far as the Somme, the field of Agincourt and Waterloo over the years. But always back to Ypres for 8pm. George had a way with words where we would be standing in a muddy field on a grey wet morning, pointing to some landmark or the horizon, describing what happened in minute detail, painting pictures for his us in our minds eye.
All of the party had their own area of interest. I remember listening avidly to Geoff and Pete Lawton (another Detective Chief Superintendent!) as they would discuss certain aspects of the war, hoping one day I would be as knowledgeable as them.
It was always November when we went over, coinciding with the Remembrance Day commemorations. It was always a special time as in the days leading up to the 11th, you would see military bands, various associations linked to the war, scout groups and dignitaries around the town as they prepared themselves for the day. The 11th was an up and out early day to beat the rush to get a decent spot beneath the Menin Gate. George and Mickey had a tradition every year where at the laying of wreaths by the VIP's they would somehow always sneak on the end of the line to lay their own wreath with the others. Another proud moment came when Tom, John and I were invited to lay the wreath on behalf of the group - a sure sign of acceptance.
I miss those trips. George passed away 3 years ago. His funeral took place whilst I was on holiday and co-incidentally in Ypres with my family. I raised a glass to him and stood proudly for the last post ceremony that night. But I was sorry to miss the funeral, which was attended by many of the old boys from our trips. Micky has gone too. But my memories of those days tramping across muddy fields, avoiding the iron harvest at the road sides and then drinking into the small hours are some of the fondest I have.
What these trips gave me, on top of those memories, is a passion for the war. It is difficult to put into words my thirst for knowledge on the subject. I consume vast amounts of literature on it every year. I listen to podcasts, watch videos on YouTube, research varied aspects on-line. There is always something new to discover or learn. I have a Great Uncle whose name is on the Tyne Cot memorial, but I know very little about him as that side of the family was estranged prior to me being born and my dear old Grandad was always reluctant to discuss him for reasons I never discovered. I've yet to research him, almost out of respect for my Grandads wishes. But I may relent in time.
Of late I have become more and more fascinated with the Somme. It's not an area I have visited that often, maybe half a dozen times. With the centenary 3 years ago it came more into my thoughts. There was the expected publication of a couple of books, one of which by Hugh Sebag-Montefiore is a firm favourite of mine. In fact, whilst in Crewe today, I picked up the paperback edition simply because it has a new forward in it by the author. There was a series of television programmes about the battle, some better than others.
Why it grabbed me so much I can't say. Visiting the Thiepval memorial is as somber as it is inspiring. But then so is Tyne Cot, or the Menin Gate. Or half a dozen other smaller yet no less significant memorials. The new museum that has been built is incredible. The simple act of driving along the Albert - Bapaume (the D929 in modern parlance) Road, seeing signs for Cambrai, Arras, Amiens and a dozen other names sends a shiver down my spine. Then, rising up from the flat land of yellow and green fields on the horizon, you start to see the familiar shape of the stepped arch coming into view.
The thought of what that edifice of brick and stone represents is almost beyond comprehension. Not just the fact that there are over 72,000 names inscribed on it's walls of soldiers who fell and have no known grave. The monument raises up 140 feet into the air. The scale is of it is breath taking. But then so was the scale of the battle it commemorates. Nearly 60,000 British and Dominion casualties. In one day. Of them, nearly 20,000 dead. In one day. The battle started at 07:30hrs on 1st July 1916. By the time it ended in November of that year, over a million men from both sides were dead.
How and why this tragedy occurred is an answer that will never be answered satisfactorily. Generations of historians have put forward their case. The popular myth of lions led by donkeys is too trite to capture the reality of what happened. The answers are far more complex and nuanced than any single phrase can capture.
Take the case of the 1st Newfoundland Regiment. They had travelled half way around the world to fight for King and Country. Their first action was to step out of their jump off trenches on the morning of 1st July 1916. 780 officers and men strode forward into a hail of bullets. Within around 30 minutes, they were cut down. 110 survived, only 68 of which were available for roll call the following day. Every single officer was a casualty. As Peter Barton, the historian said, it is doubtful any one them saw a German that day.
It is stories like this, and many more, that make me keep returning to the subject to try and understand a bit more.
So, from a wargaming perspective, I am planning on using Great War Spearhead 2 to re fight part of the battle, in particular, the area around Thiepval. The scenario in the GWSH book is quite achievable for a slow grow project with the aim of displaying it at the Joy of 6 show in July 2020. I spoke to Peter Berry briefly about it today and he tells me others are planning games already for next year and this years show hasn't happened yet! That's in 3 weeks time. Unfortunately it looks like I am working at the moment. But if you're free get along to it, details here
I'll end this short post but look for what I hope to be monthly updates as I progress. I purchased a division of British and Germans to make a start today. 2 more British divisions required for the scenario and then a 6'x4' table to populate. Easy!
More soon...
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