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Squad Odysseus

I’ve complete Squad Odysseus. These were my test models for my Angels Sanguinus (AG) army.

I admit that I was never a huge fan of 2 colors split down the middle scheme. To me it just looks childish and didn’t think a proper SM chapter would choose that as their color scheme. I know I wouldn’t wear such an amour. Hence the reason I’m not a SM although I have the looks to be one ;)

That was until I saw the AG sergeant model with the twin lightning claws. I had decided then that I wanted to build a BA force but didn’t want a generic BA. After seeing that Sgt model in the BA codex I was hooked.

When I read the little fluff that was given it just cemented my decision. Apparently, the AG never takes off their helmet in public. They only do that in the privacy of their monastery. How awesome is that for me!!!! Coz I totally suck at painting faces hehehe. Thank you GW. U just made my life easier.

Another very important decision criterion was that so far there is no AG army that I know of in our gaming community. This is actually the most vital criteria. If someone had already built and played an AG army then I would definitely choose another. The Knights or Lamenters perhaps.

Flesh tearer was out of the question coz Jeff the Forgemaster already has that and who in the right mind would want to be benchmarked against his work :P

I hope u enjoy the pictures and I would leave you with a question to ponder.

How important is it to you that you build a unique army?One that nobody currently has.

ps : apologies the quality of the pics are sub-standard. I need to learn how to take good pic :(

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